Introduction Plants make their own food with theSun's help.Animals, including people, don't. Rather they eat food — plants or different creatures — to get what their bodies need to live and develop. Sustenance is the study of how thebodyuses food. Calories: Food gives the body the energy it needs for all that it does, from fixing harmed cells to resting. How much energy a food can deliver is estimated in calories. Whenever an individual eats more food than the body needs, the body changes the additional calories into fat. Eating less calories than the body needs will make an individual get in shape. The quantity of calories required by individuals every day relies heavily on how much energy their bodies use. For instance, a competitor ordinarily needs a larger number of calories than a grown-up who works at a work area day in and day out. Nutrients : Food likewise gives the supplements that the body needs to work and keep up with itself. These supplements are protein...